Luke 10:2 ESV.

And he said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

Event Countdown

November 16, 2024 Event

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We have a "GIVEAWAY" October 19, 2024

Give Away for All - Current streamers as well as viewers

This giveaway item if donated by

Prize #18

BB t-shirt
BB t-shirt

Color: Blue any size


  • Share on social media with #blessingboat hashtag
  • You have to go to this page whether you attended one of the streamers or all of them
  • You have to enter a testimonial of what you liked most about Blessing Boat
  • The Winners will be chosen at random at the end of the event.
  • It will be decided who wins, when all entrants are placed in a wheel, and we will spin 2 times
  • You must have the correct email so that we can send the gift card to you. Failure to double check will resort in not giving the prize(s).
  • No need to sub but it is suggested to follow the streamers if you want to help support them and please feel free to sign up for our event notifications by email. Or join our Discord

Click below to find out more about our corporate sponsors and all our volunteers.

Thanks to other streamers and mods , could not do this without all of you.

We will be live spinning the wheel but all entries need to be in by 4:45 PM.

At 5 PM we draw the winner - Blessing Boat Time (CDT)

Good luck to all- Glad you made it out today, we appreciate and love each of you and so does God.

What did you like most about the event?

All information and email submitted will not be resold, rented or used by any 3rd party without written consent

What is your testimonial about the event today?